And yes I did run outside across the street in my bare feet dodging the bees living in our front steps to take some of these. YOLO, bees!
Featured in these pics are the dining room, the living room, the sun room, and the pool across the street. Ya pool!!! We love the pool. We also love built-ins, which this house has a lot of. Ya built-ins!!!!!

Oh, and getting rid of those bees.

But, we're project people. You know? At least I think we are. And we're excited that there's opportunities to make this place our own.
Plus, we love the neighborhood. It reminds me of that old movie, Now and Then. Remember that one? Mostly just because there's a graveyard down the street. Dear Johnny!
Man I love that movie.

And I love our new home, I do, despite the stinky basement and that one weird cupboard in our kitchen that for some reason smells like sour milk.
What do I do about that, by the way? Bleach it? A cupboard bleach bath?
Anyway. I hate sour milk. So let me know if you have smelly cupboard advice.
See you next time!