
Saturday, March 25, 2017


It's that time of year - wavering between end of winter / beginning of spring for weeks and weeks. Paisley wonders every day what season it is, and so do I! Here are a few recent pictures from...sprinter. 

Paisley and Brian's daddy-daughter ball. I think Brian was even more excited to relay all of the details to me at the end of the night than Paisley was!

Neva the pink blob goes swinging

Family date at Dunkin Donuts. So delish! Neva's too concentrated on her bite of strawberry donut to show any emotion.

I love seeing what Paisley picks out to wear each day. Well, usually I love it. Sometimes I cringe. On this day she borrowed one of Neva's vests to be the finishing touch for her outfit.

Matching hat day for my pal BP and I

Hockey game / lollipop date with Pais

Neva's first ponytail. In this picture she's saying "baaayyyy" which she says for a lot of things but in this instance meant belly button.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fall Days

Fall is my favorite. Here's a few favorite fall pictures from the past couple months:

Friday, April 22, 2016

7/52 - take two

Neva is five months old! I can scarcely believe it. She likes to roll over onto her stomach and then cry about it, watch her sister play, suck on her toes, jump jump jump in her exersaucer, snuggle with mommy and daddy, and recently has been found to LOVE swinging. And seeing as she has an older sister who has made it her life's purpose to push her on the swing, this little one pretty much has it made. I have been thinking lately about how very soon we will need to start her on some solid foods and I just can't even with that right now. TOO FAST. Can't she just stay in this sweet, cuddly, animated (but for the most part stationary), non-stinky pooper, rolly-polly-snuggle-butt stage forever??

Paisley has grown into her big sister role so terrifically. She LOVES to help take care of Neva. And the cats. And Brian and I. And all of her many, many (MANY) stuffed animal friends. I foresee her growing into an encourager and caretaker role in our family. She is constantly complimenting people (the other day she told a complete stranger, "I really love your shirt!") and comforting ("don't worry Mommy, everything will be fine!!") I know I said it before but I am SO enjoying this age with her. Two was a rough year for me and I wondered at times if I was cut out for this mother business and I also wondered at times if my child would always be can I say this nicely...busy? Exhausting? (I was also pregnant for much of that year so maaaayyyybe that had something to do with it.) But three, or more so three and a half, is becoming more and more delightful by the day.

But still at times a little busy. Aaaaand once in awhile exhausting.

Previous 7/52

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

6/52 - take two

Two easter bunnies in their easter dresses (made lovingly by their Mamaw) coming right up!

L to the P over and out.

Previous 6/52

Friday, March 25, 2016

Playing Catch Up. 5/52 - take two

Since I have skipped...a few...of my weekly photo updates, I figured I would include several of my favorite pictures of the girls lately!

Neva is turning into quite the little charmer. She loves to smile at people, especially people who have black rimmed glasses like her daddy! She can roll over from both her back and her front, loves being naked and hates putting on pajamas. She gives out quick, fat, scrunchy giggles when you blow raspberries on her tummy. I can't wait for when she starts giving us real life belly laughs!

In other news, I've started wearing a new perfume. Called Chanel Number Spit Up. It smells so great! Everyone around me enjoys it. Light, airy, earthy.

I know I keep saying this about Paisley - I cannot believe how fast she is growing up before my eyes! But also? I am really enjoying this age. 3 1/2, thats where it's at. I'm almost positive. She's learning about how to write and how to be a friend. She loves to color and to recite books that she has memorized. She's learning concepts of things like time and counting backwards. She says things like, "Is this tomorrow?" She uses her words to comfort and encourage others, and to talk about her feelings. Today she told me that my bathrobe looks cute on me. Clearly she was confused. Oh be still my heart!

What? They look like sisters? I didn't notice.

Previous 5/52

Thursday, February 25, 2016

4/52 - take two

Trying not to fall behind on my weekly blogging goal. It seems like this should be a simple and achievable task, but somehow I can barely get one load of laundry done in a day? And so what DOES take up all my time each day? Every night I ask myself this question and I'm really not entirely sure, although last Thursday it involved spending an hour with the girls driving all the way to Duluth and back without getting out of the car and then going into the library with soaking wet pants.

My apologies if that paragraph is mostly jarbled mom brain mush, my sleep is lacking. Please to forgive.

Anyway, on to the kiddie pics!

Neva's life's work is to fill her diaper. She does this bravely, passionately, and frequently. I find that much of MY life's work is to wait, patiently, sometimes in amazement and disbelief, for her to finish filling her diaper.

She's very good at what she does.

This picture kills me. Dead. Dead as a doornail! Or a doorknob. Which one is it?? I cannot believe how old my oldest baby looks in this picture. Last week we went to her preschool screening, which she will be starting in the fall. Preschool three days a week! I feel like having a kid in an actual school reaches some scary level of adulting that I cannot possibly be ready for.

And yet it also sounds very nice?????

Previous 4/52

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

3/52 - take two

A little glimpse into our day.

Here we have Neva, sweetly oblivious to the fact that she was almost stabbed in the eyeball by the pink parasol being wielded by her sister, who happened to be dressed in a dog suit. Made for a pretty nice picture.

We were having a dress up day. Or maybe I should say, PAISLEY was having a dress up HAY DAY and was incredibly pleased with herself. As one is when wearing six princess dresses at once. Plus a panda hat, flower necklaces, and Pinkerton.

Hi. I'm Paisley. Could I BE wearing any more clothes?

"Crazy" and "bag lady" are some words that come to mind while gazing at this photo.

Previous 3/52 - this was a good one. OH the cheeks of Paisleys past.