
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sketchbook Day - our little house on a hill

I don't usually draw buildings. Like, ever. Or anything with straight edges for that matter because...I'm bad at making straight lines. But I suddenly had the urge to depict our little home with our Christmas tree twinkling through the window.

So I did.

Please take notice of the...not straight roof.

The Christmas season has seemed to sap all my energy! I need to get re-motivated. 

I joined a gym. ahh!!

A quick Christmas recap post will be coming soon. BUT I neglected to take ANY pictures over the weekend so...we'll see how that goes.

Right now I'm watching The Great Muppet Caper and trying to keep the hubs awake throughout the whole thing. Because I don't like watching movies by myself. hehe. Miss Piggy is the star of her own synchronized dancing fantasy.

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